NZLANDSCAPES Design study. Tropical foliage plants. Brisbane Australia.

NZLANDSCAPES Design study in Tropical foliage plants. Brisbane Australia.

The climate is perfect for the growing of tropical plants. Many inner city parks and public gardens are pleasing to the eye, with an interesting array of well established trees, palms and exotics to view, colourful under-plantings, fleshy, glossy leaf plantings with bold dazzlingly colourul tropical flowers.
Bird life is everywhere, with many local delights for the bird-watcher.

Planted mostly in tropical plantings, the climate in Brisbane offers excellent rainfall and warmer tropical temperatures to sustain a wide selection of tropical plant life.
The gardens throughout Brisbane, Queensland are an inspiration to any tropical plant admirer.

The outstanding creativity within the Roma Street parkland has captured some excellent garden styles using palms, bedding plants and topiary hedges to provide a wide garden of experiences. See photo blogs for more.

We strolled through the inner city Botanical gardens of Brisbane admiring the diversity and wide selection of feature trees, Palms and annual gardens.
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Mt Coot tha gardens in the outer regions of Brisbane. Showing spectacular high point views back to Brisbane CBD, this large public garden offers a mixture of tropical plantings, Australian Native sections, water gardens, and Bonsai feature trees with flowing oriental gardens adjacent.
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