
Showing posts from September, 2005

Plant of the Week- Bonsai at its best! Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_10. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. NZ landscaping ideas for New Zealand.

Bonsai Photos. NZLANDSCAPES.COM. Landscape design.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_9. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscape design ideas for the New Zealand climate.

Bonsai. Landscaping New Zealand. NZLANDSCAPES.COM.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_6. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscaping Ideas for New Zealand.

Landscaping Ideas for New Zealand. Bonsai House.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_5. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscaping Ideas for New Zealand.

Landscaping Ideas for New Zealand.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_4. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscaping Ideas for New Zealand.

Japanese Garden. Bonsai. Landscaping Ideas New Zealand.

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_3. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscaping Ideas New Zealand.

Bonsai Azalea. NZLANDSCAPES Landscaping Ideas for Auckland. NZ

Japanese garden_Bonsai house_2. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens. Landscaping Ideas for Auckland. NZ.

Palm gardens. Mt Coot-tha Botanical gardens. NZLANDSACPES.COM. NZ landscaping.

Palm gardens_1. Mt Coot-tha Botanical gardens. NZLANDSACPES.COM. NZ landscaping ideas.

Dry Zone Plants. NZ Landscaping Ideas.

Palm gardens_2. Mt Coot-tha Botanical gardens. NZ landscaping ideas. NZLANDSCAPES.COM.

Birdlife in the Garden. NZ Tui Series.

New Zealand Tui. NZLANDSCAPES.COM. Birdlife in the garden photo series.

Tui Bird Feeding. NZLANDSCAPES Photos.

Tui feeding on nectar. NZLANDSCAPES photos.

Birdlife in the Garden. NZ TUI. NZLANDSCAPES.COM Photos.

New Zealand Tui feeding on nectar. NZLANDSCAPES.COM Birdlife in the garden photos.

Gardening *TIP OF THE WEEK*- tropical plant health

Tropical Plant Health. Soil selection - Moist well drained soils Appropriate container size - Using an appropriate container for your tropical plants and selection of the correct soil type for your tropical plants are essential to healthy plant growth Correct watering - Indoor tropical plants will require strategic watering schedules to ensure healthy growth, watering would vary through differing species. Outdoors tropical plant beds can be thirsty due to the large fleshy leaf and high water loss from most tropical plants. Water according to your plants requirements. Appropriate available light - Indoors plants will require particular light levels, too dark and tropicals will not grow well. Light requirements will vary according to individual plant requirements. Beware of direct sunlight on fragile foliage. Pest and diseases - Most indoor and out door tropical plants are susceptible to attack from disease and pests. A regular spray regime and knowledge of your plants pests life cycle a...

Vista Views. NZLANDSCAPES.COM. Landscape designer Photos. Auckland.

Titirangi Views. Spring season photos. New Zealand. Landscape designers, Auckland New Zealand.

Garden vista views

Titirangi residence. Vista views

Titirangi Views. Auckland New Zealand.

Titirangi Views in Auckland New Zealand. Landscape photos, NZ Landscape designers.

Bird life in the garden photo series. NZLANDSCAPES.COM.

New Zealand native Tui. NZLANDSCAPES photo series Birdlife in the Garden.

New Zealand birdlife.Tui photos. NZLANDSCAPES.COM.

New Zealand birdlife in the garden series, New Zealand Tui bird.

Side-walk Art / Sculpture. Landscaping Ideas.

Side-walk Art. Brisbane Vue Bar / Restaurant. Brisbane Australia. Landscaping ideas.

Plant of the week. Strelitzia alba. Tropical Plants.

Plant of the week. Strelitzia alba - Bird of paradise tree. One of the most stunning in Tropical flowers. The white Strelitzia alba is breathtaking in size, colour and drama. Plant in full sun to part shade, can be grown indoors but may grow to 15 foot outdoors dependent on local climate zone. Blue black / white flower spikes in late winter early spring-mid spring. Seeds can be selected for germination or propagation by dividing the root ball.

Study in plant environments. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens

Entrance way to gardens framed with majestic plantings of palms. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens. Tropical planting ideas for landscape gardening. NZ.

Look out Views. Mt Coot-tha. Landscape photos.

Views from look-out. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens.

Botanical Gardens Mount Coot-tha. Brisbane. Study in Dry climate, succulent plants

An impressive display of dry climate plants within the Brisbane botanical gardens shows succulent plants growing on mass and thriving in the subtropical temperatures of the dry Australian climate. The Gardens also show a wide range of tropical and native plants situated in a natural parkland settings, some of the walks are truly impressive. Capturing views from one of Brisbane higher land points Mt Coot-tha, the views back toward the central city offer glimpses of the 52 hectare garden in the foreground with the CBD area of Brisbane in the farthest views. The generous paths lead you through native garden areas from the top lookout down, then through Japanese gardens, palm and water gardens, water dragons included, Bonsai feature trees in the bonsai house, bromeliad and agave gardens, fernery, tropical display dome featuring impressive tropical flower display, planetarium and dining court / Restaurant. Please see Mt Coot-tha photos for details

Succulent landscapes. Landscaping Ideas for Dry Zones.

Succulent plantings in dry Zones. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden. Landscaping ideas for New Zealand.
Succulent gardens. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens

Dangerous looking Trees. Unusual Landscape Plants.

Succulent gardens_2. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden. Unusual landscape feature plants.

Succulent Plantings. Landscape ideas for NZ Gardens.

Succulent plantings. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden. Landscape ideas for NZ gardens.

Yucca Plantings. Landscape Feature Plants. NZ.

Yucca and Agave sp. grouped. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden. Landscape feature plants.

Tropical Plant Dome. Mt Coot-tha Gardens. Dry Zone Gardening Ideas.

Tropical plant dome. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens. Dry zone plants for New Zealand gardens.

Tropical Plantings. Dry Zone Plants.

Yucca sp. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden. Dry Zone Plants for landscapes in New Zealand.

Succulent gardening ideas. NZ LANDSCAPE DESIGNERS.

NZ landscape designers landscaping ideas. Succulent gardens. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens

Arid Dry Zone Plants.

Succulent plants on mass. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens. Landscaping ideas for Arid dry zones.

Lanscaping Feature Plants. Bronze Succulents.

Succulent close up photo. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens, landscaping ideas nz.

Succulent Garden Feature Plants. Bronze Foliage Plants.

Succulent garden bronze foliage feature plants. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens. Tropical landscapes. NZ landscaping ideas.

Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden photos

Succulent garden photos. Mt Coot-tha botanical Gardens. Landscaping ideas for dry zones. NZ.
Feature plantings of succulents. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Succulent landscapes. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Succulent garden photo 8. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Succulent garden photo_9. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Succulents growing in dry environment. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Close up of succulent. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Group of Yucca plants. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Pony tail Palm flowering. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Close up of succulent flowering. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Pony tail palm. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Landscape photo succulent garden. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden

Tropical Plant Dome. Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens

Tropical plant dome 1. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Tropical plant dome_2. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Tropical plant dome_3. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Tropical plant dome_4. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden
Tropical plant dome_5. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden

Fernery. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden

King Fern. Fernery. Mt Coot-tha botanical Garden