Plant of the week - Pseudopanax lessonii 'Purpurea'

Pseudopanax lessonii 'Purpurea' is an outstanding New Zealand species. With lush evergreen, purple bronze glossy new foliage, hardy in coastal areas, tender to heavy frosts. Growing to 5 meters Pseudopanax lessonii 'Purpurea' is also an excellent bird attracting plant offering food.
Planted in combination with other 'Purpurea' plant varieties, will create an impressive show of garden colour at any time of the year.
Some suggested combination plants:
Phormium 'Jack Sprat'
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'
Hebe 'Purple Mist'
Cordyline australis 'Purpurea'
If you wish to know more about what plants to combine with Pseudopanax please email us here.

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