Plant of the week. Heuchera'Chocolate Ruffles'

Heuchera'Chocolate Ruffles' seems to be best grown in organic, rich, humus soil.
Soil conditions lean toward medium wet, well-drained. Plant Heuchera 'Chocoalte Ruffles' in full sun to part shade. Does very well in full sun but will resist only short periods of dry weather so does prefer part shade (particularly with afternoon shade) in areas that have a hot summer.
It is found that best foliage colour will be gained by growing in light to part shade. If grown in full sun, plenty of moisture is needed and soil should not be allowed to dry out for too long.
Remove finished flower panicles to encourage continued blooming.
Mulch applied during winter will help prevent root heaving.
Best to divide clumps in spring every 3-4 years.

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